Do Credit Cards Work After Getting Wet?

by | Feb 12, 2024 | Billsaver, Understanding Credit Cards

Anyone who has ever dropped their cell phone in a body of water knows how quickly this will kill the device. Electronics and water just do not mix.

While we generally do not think of credit cards as electronic devices, they do use technology that is similar to a smartphone. So will water kill your credit card as quickly as it will your cell?

The answer is no. Credit cards work with a magnetic strip, and water does not affect magnets the way it does electronics. The exception to this rule is if the water is mixed with a corrosive chemical. In that case, the clear coating on the card may begin to peel.

Since water should not affect your credit card, if you do get it wet, you simply need to towel dry it and use it as normal.

What Can Ruin a Credit Card?

While water is not generally an issue, there are a few things that can ruin your plastic.

  • Folding. Do not fold a credit card in half, as this will interrupt the magnetic strip. When that happens, your card will no longer work in a reader.
  • Washing and Drying. The heat and bending that occurs in washing and drying machines will likely ruin your credit card. The dryer’s heat can make the card warp, which could affect the magnetic strip. While it is possible your card will still work after taking a spin through your appliances, do not tempt fate.
  • Excessive Use. Using the same card over and over again will eventually ruin the magnetic strip, which means the card will not work in credit card readers. To get a new card, you simply need to contact your issuer.

What if a Card Does Stop Working?

If your card stops working, you need to call your credit card issuer. Most will send you a new card for free, but some may charge a small fee. Fees are most likely to occur with prepaid cards. Once you receive and activate your new card, your old card should be invalid, but you may want to contact your credit card company to double-check.

If your prepaid card stops working while you are trying to pay for a purchase, you should ask the cashier to manually type your number into the system. That way, you can still use the money on your card.

Since cards periodically stop working, it is a good idea to have a backup handy in case of emergencies. Be sure to shop around for a card with a low interest rate.