When you are on the hunt for a new credit card, finding the best card for your credit profile can be one of your most...
Handling Credit Card Debt After the Death of a Spouse
When someone dies, their surviving spouse may face more than loneliness and grief. If the partner left behind debt on...
Are Cheap Unlimited Cell Phone Plans Worth the Savings?
If you are looking to cut your expenses, you may have considered a cheap unlimited cell phone plan. However, are...
Why Do Mortgage Loans Get Sold?
It happens all the time. Someone takes out a mortgage with one financial institution and a few years later, the bank...
Three Common Credit Myths on Joint Accounts
When people get engaged, they suddenly have to answer a number of questions about how they will spend the rest of...
Paying Off Credit Card Debt–A Great “Investment” You Can Make
We all know it is smart to invest money, because it generally grows over time, which can bring us long-term profits....
Do Credit Cards Expire on the First or Last Day of the Month?
On the front of every debit and credit card is an expiration date. Usually, this date is simply the month and the...
Financial Audit: 5 Things to Stop Paying for Each Month
Cutting expenses and saving more are financial goals we all have. However, many people struggle to figure out how to...
Can My Savings Account Be Garnished?
If you get behind on your income taxes, student loan payments, or child support, a government agency can garnish a...
How Your Credit Score is Calculated
Your credit score is a three-digit number that can make or break your financial future. It represents your payment...
Credit Card Tips and Tricks
When used incorrectly, credit cards can be an expensive way to pay for goods and services. The golden rule of credit...
Why Do Credit Cards Get Declined?
There are few things in life more embarrassing than having your credit card declined. Even worse than the...
What Affects Your Credit Score?
Knowing what factors affect your credit score is a bit like knowing what questions will be on an important exam. If...