Your credit score is a three-digit number that can make or break your financial future. It represents your payment...
How Important Is Length Of Credit History With A Credit Card?
You may have heard experts say you should never close a credit card, as it could damage your credit score. Others may...
Does My Credit Score Affect My Car Insurance?
We all know that a low credit score can affect the interest rates you are offered on credit cards, mortgages, and auto...
Do Balance Transfers Hurt Your Credit Score?
You may have received an offer for a 0% APR on balance transfers, and you may be tempted to sign up for it. After all,...
How Is My Credit Card Limit Determined?
Credit card issuers consider a number of factors when determining your credit limit. Like any business, no financial...
Can Credit Card Companies Lower Your Credit Limit?
When you first open a credit card, your credit limit is based on your credit score at that moment. If you maintain a...
How to Improve Your Credit Score by 100 Points
If you are in the market for a mortgage or car loan, you probably understand how important it is to have a high credit...
5 Ways Your Credit Score Can Drop (And What You Can Do To Recover)
It may be odd to think of your credit score as an asset, but that is exactly what it is. If you have a high credit...