When used incorrectly, credit cards can be an expensive way to pay for goods and services. The golden rule of credit...
Are Balance Transfers Worth It?
Many Americans regularly receive offers from credit card companies, which offer 0% interest rates on balance...
How Fast Can You Raise Your Credit Score?
We are used to things moving quickly in the modern world. We have fast phones, fast cars and fast computer processors....
How to Close a Credit Card Account
Many people cut up their credit cards to stop themselves from using them, but it is important to remember that this...
Dealing with Credit Card Debt Collectors
If you get behind on the payments on your credit card, it is possible their card issuer may take them to court to...
Using Credit Cards to Build Credit
While many people see credit cards as the path towards fiscal irresponsibility, they can actually help you build...
Reduce Credit Card Debt with Micropayments
Though the holidays are behind us, many Americans are still paying for purchases made with their credit cards. To...
5 Alternatives To Maxing Out Your Credit Card
If you have a tendency to max out your credit card, you may be looking for new ways to make necessary purchases. The...
How to Recover from Holiday Credit Card Debt
People love holiday shopping, but they do not care much for the credit card bills that start coming in January. Once...
Reducing Credit Card Debt in 2024
Summer is quickly approaching, and unfortunately, millions of shoppers are probably spending more than they can...
10 Common Credit Card Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them)
Most adults have taken a financial wrong turn at some point in their lives, and where credit cards are concerned,...