How Much Cell Phone Data Do I Need?

by | Mar 2, 2024 | Billsaver, Cell Phone Tips, Saving More

Nearly three-quarters (74%) of Americans have a smartphone, according to Pew Research, and if you are one or looking to become one, you need a data package. Data is what allows you to connect to the Internet with your phone to check your email, use apps, browse social media and search Google. Data is typically the most expensive part of your cell phone plan, so you want to determine: how much cell phone data do you need?

Track Current Usage

If you already have a smartphone and data package, you can log in to your account or call your service provider to see how much data you are using each month. Data usage greatly varies from person-to-person, so there is no way for us to tell you how much data you should be using. It is best to log in to your account to determine how much you have been using so you can choose the right plan for you.

If you do not yet have a smartphone, AT&T offers an online calculator to help determine how much data you are likely to use.

Learn Your Options

If you already have a cell phone plan, you can see what sort of data packages your current carrier offers, or you can search online to see what all providers are offering. Generally, you are able to choose from a range. Some providers even offer unlimited data, but these plans can be costly. T-Mobile offers unlimited data, but you may notice slower speeds if you use more than the allotted 50GB per month, which is possible if you are using your phone as a mobile hotspot for Internet use at home.

Use the Least Amount of Data Possible

To keep your bill low, you will want to limit your data usage as much as possible. Here are some easy ways to minimize your data usage:

  • Whether you are at home or at a public place that offers free Wi-Fi, you want to use Wi-Fi as much as possible. You will still be able to use all of the features on your phone, but you will not be using your valuable data.
  • Videos and movies are major data eaters, so avoid watching them on your phone. If you are surfing the web and see something you would like to watch, save it for when you are connected via Wi-Fi or on your home computer.
  • Streaming music apps, such as Pandora and Spotify, are also data hogs. They are great options for listening to music for free, but you will want to limit your use to save data–unless you are on Wi-Fi.
  • Check your apps to see how much data they are using. On most phones, you can see how much data each app is using through your Settings menu. If you notice one seems to be using a lot of data, you may want to avoid using it unless you are on Wi-Fi. For example, many games require you to be on the Internet so you can compete against other players.

Try these tips for a month or two to see if you can limit your data usage enough to enroll in a cheaper data plan.

Since most cell phone providers allow you to change your data package whenever you want, you can choose the package you think is right and try it for a few months. If you notice you are using a lot more (or a lot less) data, you can change to a more appropriate plan. If you go over your data, though, you will be charged for more data, which can get pricey. Verizon, for example, charges $15 for an additional 1GB of data.